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USB Chargers and Wallplates
USB Wall-plate Chargers for Cell Phones, Tablets, and Other Devices. There are TWO fast charging standards currently for all smart phones developed in the past 8 years:USB-PD - Apple iPhones 8 or greater, and many new Android/Google phones use the USB-PD (Power Delivery) method for FAST CHARGING. USB-PD for phones generally uses charging blocks that provide variable voltages up to 14.5v and 2A, for a total power of 96 watts. USB-PD is only available with the USB Type-C connector at the source charge block.
QuickCharge (QC) - Developed by QualComm, this standard is supported by nearly all newer Android and Windows phones, supporting up to 20 volts and 5 amps for a total maximum power of 100 watts. QC is available from either a Type-A or Type-C connector at the source charge block.
QUICK-CHARGE (QC) and USB-PD are not compatible with each other. Typically, a charging block supports ONE or the other standard, but not both. Some newer Android, Google, and Windows phones will accept both the USB-PD or QB charging standards