Products > Plenum Rated Cables
Plenum Rated Cables
Plenum Rated Cables (UL Listed) suitable for in-wall installation in office environments. Plenum cable is cable that is installed in the plenum spaces of buildings.CATEGORIES
Plenum Rated Copper and Fiber Optic Cables meets UL standards for installation into PLENUM SPACES.
Plenum Rated VGA Video Cable suitable meets UL standards for installation into PLENUM SPACES
Plenum Rated 3.5mm and RCA Audio Cables meets UL standards for installation into PLENUM SPACES.
Plenum Rated USB 2 (Type A, B and Extension) Cable meets UL standards for installation into PLENUM SPACES.
Plenum Rated CAT5, 6, and Coax Cables meets UL standards for installation into PLENUM SPACES.
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